China Day Music Festival 26. sept. - 5. okt.

Afslutningskoncert med danske og kinesiske værker for slagtøj, messing og kammerensembler
Sunday, October 5, 2014
16.00 — 17.30
Entry Fee
Gratis adgang


Gert Mortensen: Echoes of Time
Chinese trad.: Parting at Yanguan Pass
Guo Wenjing: Sound from Tibet. Septet for Wind Instruments, op. 34
Zhang Lie: Camel Bells of Xin Jiang
Niels W. Gade: from Aquarelles, op. 19
Fay Wang: Totem Wolfs (world premiere)
Liu Tianhua: Birds singing in the Mountain Air
Fay Wang: Monodrama of Old Haven, nr. 3
Zhang Xuru: Call From Siganli - Symphonic Poem for the Percussions
1. Arouse
Axel Borup-Jørgensen: Three Poems of the old China, op. 103:1
Zhang Xuru: Call From Siganli
2. Booming

Medvirkende: Percurama Percussion Ensemble, DKDM Brass, Duo Crossfire og DKDM's kammerensembler

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Arrangør: Music Confucius Institute