PULSAR 2019 - for all sences

quietly pieces by Valentin, O’Hare, Dreyer og Pades
Mandag den 11. marts 2019
22.00 — 23.00

Music, light and room works quietly together in this intime program who invites to a quietly contemplation in pieces by Asger Valentin, Fintan O'Hare, Mads Emil Dreyer and Xavier Bonfill as well Else Marie Pades ' section I - II - III' for violin and tape (1960)

Else Marie Pade: Afsnit I - II - III for soloviolin and tape (1960)

Asger Valentin: Cygnus (2018-19) forsologuitar and electronic

Fintan O'Hare: Ku Ti (2018) for solo voices (strengthen)

Mads Emil Dreyer: Light 4 (2018) for 2 performere and live-electronic

Xavier Bonfill: travel light (5 sketches) (2018) premiere
for 1 performer and live-electronic

download the PULSAR program

The concert is a part of PULSAR 2019