Lene Langballe

Part-time Teacher

Lene Langballe began her recorder studies at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in 1992. Further studies at the Civica Scuola in Milan with Pedro Memelsdorff with final diploma con lode in 1997. Further studies of the recorder with Conrad Steinmann and cornett with Bruce Dickey at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis with an advanced postgraduate diploma in 2002. Specialization of cornett in Paris with Jean Tubery and William Dongois. As a recorder and cornett player she has active concert activity in collaboration with leading early music ensembles in Europe.

Lene has founded the trio "Festa Musicale", which has played numerous concerts in Denmark and was a prize winner at the Danish Radio P2's Chamber Music Competition in 2002. From 2003 she is active with "Authentia", an ensemble specializing in music from the Renaissance and Baroque. A series of CD recordings with both Danish and foreign ensembles.

In Denmark, she has appeared with the Royal Danish Orchestra and contributes regularly as a musician for Ars Nova and Concerto Copenhagen. Lene is the founder of the recorder quartet "In Consort" which has a large concert activity. She has received support from several major foundations including Augustinus, Knud Højgaard Foundation and the Lundbeck Foundation. In 2009 she was "Artist in Residence" at Holsteinborg castle, where she, in collaboration with the violinist Roberto Falcone taught masterclasses. Since 2004 Lene is employed as a teacher of recorder and chamber music at the Royal Danish Academy of Music.