Geolocated Music / Audiowalk fra 11.-15. marts
Monday, March 15 — Monday, March 15, 2021
00.00 — 00.00
Forskellige steder i København
Entry Fee
Se link i teksten
Geolocated music er værker af komponister fra DKDM, der er placeret ude i verden. Med en sammenhæng mellem musikken, placeringen og lytterens bevægelse bliver de forskellige dele af værkerne sat i gang ved hjælp af GPS-koordinater. For at lytte til stykkerne downloades app'en "Echoes: interactive GPS-triggered soundwalks". Derefter trykkes på linket ud for værket her på denne side. Dette gøres fra den telefon eller enhed som man ønsker at lytte fra. Dernæst åbner app'en og starter værket. En introduktion kan også findes i Echoes hvis man befinder sig i nærheden af DKDM og søger på "Pulsar 2021 - Geolocated music"
Rob Durnin - Music on the Go!


Two ears, two legs - and a whole load of craziness! Listen on your way about the town! ------------
Anders Skibsted - Brownout


Intricately designed sounds drowning out the outer world. Leaving the listener slightly unsettled while, while walking around in the city. As the music immerses the listener, they experience a brownout of outer reality. A walk around inner Frederiksberg.
Asger Valentin - drøm, motivation, instruks


Stykket består af to dele, der begge reflekterer en idé om selvet. Første del udtrykker den drømmende tilstand, både i søvnens forstand og i den bevidstgjorte længsel og stræbens forstand. Anden del er udtryk for motivationen, et lidt forceret self empowerment. This piece has two parts which both reflects an idea about the self. The first part expresses the dream state, both in terms of the sleep and in terms of the conscious longing and pursuance. The second part expresses the motivation, a self empowerment, a little forced. • Start outside Shop N play in the big crossing between Rosenørns Allé and H.C. Ørstedsvej.
• (Optional: if you need any refreshment, pause the music and go inside Shop N Play and get something small that immediately attracts you. Resume the track when you step out from the store and you can now enjoy your refreshment while listening.)
• Cross the street to the other side of Rosenørns Allé and follow the street in the direction of the square with the metrostation outside Forum.
• When you reach the sqaure cross to the other side after the bike parking, then turn right again and go in the direction you came from.
• Turn left when you reach Rema 1000 and follow the road to the car parking lot behind Rema.
• Follow the road to H.C. Ørstedsvej and turn left.

Xavier Bonfill - Refshaleøen Tapes vol. 1 (take-away version)


Refshaleøen Tapes is a compilation of electronic improvisations and sketches recorded from my home studio in Refshaleøen, Copenhagen. Initially released as an album during the first corona lockdown in March 2020, this new “take-away version” sets a landscape and time of day to each track. The soundwalk is not meant to be followed in any particular order and it is almost impossible to experience it entirely in one day. Riding a bike between locations is strongly recommended. ---------
Athanasia Kotronia - Av mitt ansikte


"The short pieces are put in an order as if you are following a story. It can be followed in under a 30 min walk. It is fragments of a day that is followed, at the same time as the story streches throughout a longer timeframe." Av mitt ansikte I. Ge efter II. Avverkar III. Ska känna IV. Med mig, av dig VI. Sen gåva VII. Impuls fragment

Location: Kronprinsessegade and around Kongens Have